Meeting Highlights

2022 EADV前沿资讯 | 从临床研究到真实世界,如何实现银屑病完全清除





2022 EADV大会专题讨论了银屑病的治疗新时代,患者和医生有望去实现皮损的完全清除。其中Jo Lambert教授分享了她对于银屑病治疗的观点,治疗应力求快速、全面、长期应答(Striving for rapid, complete and long-term responses in psoriasis treatment)[1]


值得关注的是,早期达到并长期维持皮损的完全清除对于银屑病患者的意义深远,可减少累积生命过程的损害[5]。因此,EuroGuiDerm指南指出银屑病更高的治疗目标为PASI 90/100。并且治疗目标从关注指标百分比的降低转变为了最终结局(例如PASI≤2、DLQI<2或PGA清除或几乎清除)[6]。银屑病达标治疗相关的比利时共识也提出医师在制定银屑病治疗方案时应把患者的治疗期待和目标纳入考虑,满足患者对皮损完全清除的治疗需求[7]。此外需要注意的是,早期达到皮损清除对整体治疗非常关键。研究显示,早期治疗应答者(第2周/第4周达到PASI 50)能维持长期稳定的皮损清除[8]。那么如何能实现皮损完全清除呢?Jo Lambert教授认为随着治疗的进展,银屑病患者是有可能实现这一目标的[1]。在一项对北欧国家609例银屑病患者的调查中,44%患者已通过现有的治疗达到了皮损完全清除/几乎完全清除[9]

在随后的会议上,Richard Warren博士分享了他对于通过快速、高度和持久皮损清除实现银屑病患者治疗目标的观点(Reaching patient targets through speed, high skin clearance and durability)[10]。在新型抗IL-17A/F人源化生物制剂Bimekizumab治疗中重度斑块状银屑病的3期临床试验(BE VIVID、BE 17ASURE、BE RADIANT)中,通过分别与全人源生物制剂——司库奇尤单抗、乌司奴单抗、阿达木单抗进行头对头比较,发现Bimekizumab较以上全人源生物制剂有更高的皮损清除率。但和这些全人源生物制剂相比,Bimekizumab口腔念珠菌不良事件的发生率较高[11-13]。随着更多治疗药物的上市和治疗策略(例如达标治疗)的更新,银屑病皮损的完全清除未来有望在更多患者中成为现实。



毫无疑问,生物制剂的问世给银屑病治疗带来了显著的变化,并将治疗目标转向更高的皮损清除水平。然而目前存在的问题是,如何将临床试验数据转化到真实世界?在2022 EADV会议上,Anna Balato博士分享了“从比较有效性的研究中获得的经验”话题(Lessons Learned from Comparative Effectiveness Research),从她的角度专业解读了银屑病中是否存在(临床研究中)疗效和(真实世界中)有效性的差异[14]

首先Anna Balato博士指出了真实世界中存在三类因素可能导致疗效-有效性的差异,包括医疗卫生系统特点、药效评价方法、药物生物学效应与真实世界因素之间复杂的相互作用[15]。而随机对照试验(RCT)入组的银屑病人群无法完全代表真实世界的人群。与符合临床研究入组标准者相比,不符合的银屑病患者往往存在疗效低、不良反应风险增加等情况[16]

接下来Anna Balato博士介绍了国外药物监管机构对真实世界证据(RWE)的观点。美国FDA关于的RWE文件概述了许多与RWE相关的重要工作,以探索使用RWE帮助支持药物新适应症的批准或满足批准后研究的要求[17]。欧洲EMA则提出RWE可以构成临床证据生命周期的一部分,作为获批申报资料关键RCT数据的补充,在获批后可能发挥更大的作用[18]。尽管目前RWE在有效性比较研究(CER)中应用面临着不少挑战,例如CER过度依赖于RCT、RWE方法学上的局限性等。但是RWE仍被寄予厚望,有望在医疗保健决策中发挥重要的作用[19]

另一方面,在这场会议上Andreas Pinter博士也分享了“了解真实世界数据对于银屑病管理的获益”话题(Understanding the Benefit of Real-World Data in Managing Your Psoriasis Patients)。其中他对于银屑病健康结局研究(PSoHO)进行了详细介绍[20]。这项研究纳入了大样本量的银屑病患者和11种治疗方法,包括近期获批的生物制剂[21]。在PSoHO研究中,银屑病患者分别会接受依奇珠单抗(n=272)、司库奇尤单抗(n=120)、布罗利尤单抗(n=29)、古塞奇尤单抗(n=155)、阿达木单抗(n=111)、乌司奴单抗(n=52)、risankizumab(n=86)、tildrakizumab(n=54)。主要研究终点为第12周PASI 90和/或sPGA(0,1)应答率[20,22]

结果显示,在治疗第12周时各生物制剂组PASI 90和/或sPGA(0,1)应答率上,依奇珠单抗组排在首位(应答率为75.0%),其次是布罗利尤单抗组(应答率为68.3%)。在第12周PASI 100应答率上,依奇珠单抗组应答率显著优于布罗利尤单抗以外的其他生物制剂[20]。此外,PSoHO研究长期结果证实,治疗6个月和12个月时,仍能在依奇珠单抗组观察到较高的皮损清除率[22]

治疗12周时比较依奇珠单抗与其他生物制剂PASI 90和/或sPGA 0/1应答率

NRI results are depicted by top/solid lines, and asobserved results are depicted by bottom/dashed lines

图片来自: Pinter A, et al. Comparative effectiveness of biologics in clinical practice: week 12 primary outcomes from an international observational psoriasis study of health outcomes (PSoHO). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022;10.1111/jdv.18376.



银屑病常累及面部、头皮、生殖器、指甲、掌跖等难治部位,加重了疾病负担。在2022 EADV会议上,Tiago Torres博士分享了如何管理银屑病难治部位的话题(How to manage difficult-to-treat locations)。目前常用的银屑病严重程度评估指标PASI、BSA等并未将指甲等难治部位纳入考量,导致临床医师对这些部位的皮损关注不足。但是,难治部位银屑病不仅会阻碍银屑病患者实现皮损完全清除,还会严重影响患者的生活质量,带来诸多问题,例如疼痛和瘙痒症状的恶化、焦虑和抑郁症状的加重、行动力和性功能的受损等。因此,难治部位银屑病的管理不容忽视[23-24]

Tiago Torres博士认为目前系统性治疗(特别是生物制剂),是治疗难治部位不错的选择[23]。对于中重度银屑病的头皮皮损,光疗和外用制剂不易操作,传统系统治疗药物(例如甲氨蝶呤、环孢素、阿维酸)的疗效未被正式研究评估过[23]。而生物制剂包括依奇珠单抗、司库奇尤单抗、古塞奇尤单抗均有在3期临床试验的亚组分析和回顾性队列研究中展示出良好的治疗效果[25-27]。在甲银屑病的治疗上,外用制剂疗效不佳,而传统系统治疗药物由于毒性限制无法长期使用[23]。目前研究已证实IL-17抑制剂(依奇珠单抗、司库奇尤单抗)能有效改善甲银屑病严重指数(NAPSI)[28-29]。对于生殖器银屑病,外用制剂是一线选择。在外用制剂疗效不佳的情况下,可考虑系统性治疗[23]。IXORA-Q研究显示,在初始接受依奇珠单抗治疗的中重度银屑病患者中,73%患者在第12周达到生殖器皮损清除或几乎完全清除,75%患者在第52周达到皮损清除或几乎完全清除[30]

图片来自:Merola JF, et al. Underdiagnosed and undertreated psoriasis: Nuances of treating psoriasis affecting the scalp, face, intertriginous areas, genitals, hands, feet, and nails. Dermatol Ther. 2018;31(3):e12589.






  • Jo Lambert. Striving for rapid, complete and long-term responses in psoriasis treatment. EADV CONGRESS 2022.
  • Gorelick J, et al. Understanding Treatment Preferences in Patients with Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis in the USA: Results from a Cross-Sectional Patient Survey. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2019;9(4):785-797.
  • Armstrong A, et al. Patient perceptions of clear/almost clear skin in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: results of the Clear About Psoriasis worldwide survey. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2018;32(12):2200-2207.
  • Lebwohl M, et al. Evolution of Patient Perceptions of Psoriatic Disease: Results from the Understanding Psoriatic Disease Leveraging Insights for Treatment (UPLIFT) Survey [published correction appears in Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2022 Jan 6;:]. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2022;12(1):61-78.
  • Kimball AB, et al. Psoriasis: is the impairment to a patient's life cumulative?. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2010;24(9):989-1004.
  • Nast A, et al. EuroGuiDerm Guideline on the systemic treatment of Psoriasis vulgaris - Part 1: treatment and monitoring recommendations. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34(11):2461-2498.
  • Grine L, et al. A Belgian consensus on the definition of a treat-to-target outcome set in psoriasis management. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34(4):676-684.
  • Augustin M, et al. Early Response is Associated With Stable Long-Term Response in Psoriasis Patients Receiving Ixekizumab or Ustekinumab. J Drugs Dermatol. 2022;21(2):122-126.
  • Rasmussen MK, Enger M, Dahlborn AK, et al. The Importance of Achieving Clear or Almost Clear Skin for Patients: Results from the Nordic Countries of the Global. Acta Derm Venereol. 2019;99(2):158-163.
  • Richard Warren. Reaching patient targets through speed, high skin clearance and durability. EADV CONGRESS 2022.
  • Reich K, et al. Bimekizumab versus ustekinumab for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (BE VIVID): efficacy and safety from a 52-week, multicentre, double-blind, active comparator and placebo controlled phase 3 trial [published correction appears in Lancet. 2021 Feb 20;397(10275):670]. Lancet. 2021;397(10273):487-498.
  • Warren RB, et al. Bimekizumab versus Adalimumab in Plaque Psoriasis. N Engl J Med. 2021;385(2):130-141.
  • Reich K, et al. Bimekizumab versus Secukinumab in Plaque Psoriasis. N Engl J Med. 2021;385(2):142-152.
  • Anna Balato. Topic 2: Lessons Learned from Comparative Effectiveness Research. EADV CONGRESS 2022.
  • Nordon C, et al. The "Efficacy-Effectiveness Gap": Historical Background and Current Conceptualization. Value Health. 2016;19(1):75-81.
  • Garcia-Doval I, et al. Risk of serious adverse events associated with biologic and nonbiologic psoriasis systemic therapy: patients ineligible vs eligible for randomized controlled trials. Arch Dermatol. 2012;148(4):463-470.
  • The FDA Real-World Evidence (RWE) Framework and Considerations for Use in Regulatory Decision-Making accessed on
  • Regulatory Perspective on Real World Evidence (RWE) in scientific advice Accessed on
  • Is RWE Needed in Comparative Effectiveness Research?. Accessed on
  • Pinter A, et al. Comparative effectiveness of biologics in clinical practice: week 12 primary outcomes from an international observational psoriasis study of health outcomes (PSoHO). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022;10.1111/jdv.18376.
  • Andreas Pinter. Topic 1: Understanding the Benefit of Real-World Data in Managing Your Psoriasis Patients. EADV CONGRESS 2022.
  • Antonio Costanzo, et al. Initial Report on the Month 12 Results from the Psoriasis Study of Health Outcomes (PSoHO) for patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis treated with biologics in the real-world setting. EADV CONGRESS 2022. P1452
  • Tiago Torres. How to manage difficult-to-treat locations. EADV CONGRESS 2022.
  • Merola JF, et al. Underdiagnosed and undertreated psoriasis: Nuances of treating psoriasis affecting the scalp, face, intertriginous areas, genitals, hands, feet, and nails. Dermatol Ther. 2018;31(3):e12589.
  • Lebwohl MG, et al. Ixekizumab sustains high level of efficacy and favourable safety profile over 4 years in patients with moderate psoriasis: results from UNCOVER-3 study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34(2):301-309.
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